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Ma rabtaa inaad si degdeg ah u lumiso miisaanka?



Ma rabtaa inaad si degdeg ah u lumiso miisaanka?

Miisaanka oo yaraadaa maaha jawaabta dhibaato kasta oo caafimaad, laakiin haddii dhakhtarkaagu kugula taliyo, waxaa jira talooyin kaa caawinaya inaad si badbaado leh u lumiso miisaanka. Miisaan joogto ah oo 1 ilaa 2 rodol todobaadkii ayaa lagula talinayaa maaraynta miisaanka muddada-dheer ee ugu waxtarka badan.


Waxaa laga yaabaa inaad ogaato inaad awood u leedahay inaad lumiso miisaanka adiga oo raacaya cunto karbohaydrayt hooseeya ama cunto diiradda saaraysa cuntooyinka oo dhan, laakiin waxaa jira mabaadi'da guud qaarkood oo khuseeya marka aad isku dayayso inaad lumiso miisaanka.


Sida loo lumiyo miisaanka 3 tillaabo oo fudud

1-       1-  Iska yaree karbohaydraytyada la safeeyey

Hal dariiqo oo kaa caawin kara inaad si degdeg ah u lumiso miisaanka waa inaad yareyso sonkorta ama karbohaydraytyada. Tani waxay noqon kartaa qorshe cunto cunto karbohaydh hooseeya ama iyada oo la yareeyo karbohaydraytyada la safeeyey laguna beddelo miro dhanaan.


2-     2-  Cun borotiinka, baruurta, iyo khudaarta

Ujeedo inaad cunto kasta ku darto cuntooyin kala duwan. Si aad isugu dheellitirto saxankaada oo ay kaaga caawiso in aad miisaankaaga dhimatid cuntooyinkaaga waa in ay ku jiraan:


il borotiin ah  iyo khudaarta

qayb yar oo karbohaydraytyo adag ah, sida miraha oo dhan


3-       3- Dhaqdhaqaaqa jirkaaga

Jimicsiga, inkastoo aan loo baahnayn inuu lumiyo miisaanka, wuxuu kaa caawin karaa inaad si dhakhso ah u lumiso miisaanka. Miisaanka qaadista waxay leedahay faa'iidooyin wanaagsan gaar ahaan.


Kor u qaadista miisaanka, waxaad gubi doontaa kalooriyooyinka waxayna kaa caawin doontaa inaad ka hortagto dheef-shiid kiimikaadkaaga inuu hoos u dhaco, taas oo ah saameyn caadi ah oo ay leedahay dhimista miisaanka


Isku day tababarka xoogga saddex ilaa afar jeer toddobaadkii. Haddii aad ku cusub tahay qaadista miisaanka, tababaraha ayaa laga yaabaa inuu kaa caawiyo inaad bilowdo. Hubi in dhakhtarkaagu sidoo kale ka warqabo qorshe kasta oo jimicsi oo cusub.


Haddii miisaan qaadista aysan ahayn ikhtiyaar adiga, samaynta qaar ka mid ah jimicsiga wadnaha sida socodka, orodka, orodka, baaskiil wadida, ama dabaasha ayaa aad faa'iido u leh dhimista miisaanka iyo caafimaadka guud.


Waa maxay Farqiga u dhexeeya Hardware iyo Software

 Farqiga u dhexeeya Hardware iyo Softwar

Nidaamka kombuyuutarku wuxuu u qaybsan yahay laba qaybood: Hardware iyo Software. Hardware waxa loola jeedaa qaybaha jidheed iyo kuwa muuqda ee nidaamka sida Monitor, CPU, keyboard iyo mouse. Dhanka kale, Software-ku waxa uu tilmaamayaa hab-raacyo kala duwan oo awood u siinaya qalabku in uu qabto hawlo gaar ah. Software-ka waa in lagu rakibaa qalabka si uu si sax ah u shaqeeyo, si la mid ah, qalabku waa inuu jiraa si loogu talagalay hawlaha la qabanayo. Labaduba way isku tiirsan yihiin, haddana way ka duwan yihiin midba midka kale.

Physics work, power, energy and simple machinesChapter 7


    Class: form one:                                                   Subject: Physics

Chapter 7


7.1 work


Work is done when a force causes an object to move in the same direction that the force is applied.

We therefore measure work by measuring the applied force and distance covered.

Work=force applied x distance moved in direction of the force.


The unit of work is joule(j).Finance Only

Example 7.1

If you have to pull with a force of 50N to move a create steady 3m in the direction of the force, find the work.


  Work= f x d

             = 50Nx3m= 150Nm = 150N

Example 7.2

A car weighing 1000kg and traveling at 30m/s stops at distance of 50m decelerating uniformly.

What is the force exerted on it by the brakes? What is the work done by the brakes?



Initial speed, u =30m /s   , Final speed, v - 0 (The car stops) ,    Acceleration, a- ? Distance, s = 50 m

We know that;

So, (0)2=(30)2+2xax50

100a= -900


Thus, Acceleration, a= -9m /s

The force exerted by the brakes can now be calculated using the formula

F= mxa

Here, Mass, m = 1000 kg   And, Acceleration, a= -9m /s (Calculated above)

So, Force, F =1000x(-9)


The work done by the brakes can be calculated by using the relation: W = Fxd

Here, Force, F= 9000 N Distance, d = 50m

So, Work done, W= 9000 x 50 J

= 450000 J

= 4.5 x 105 J

Thus, the work done by the brakes is 4.5 x 10 joules.

7.1.1 Work done against the gravity

The amount of work done is equal to the product of weight of the body and the vertical distance through which the body is lifted.

Now, Work done in lifting a body = Weight of body x Vertical distance

W=m x g x h

where; W = work done.

m = mass of the body.   g = acceleration due to gravity.   and h = height through which the body is lifted.

Example 7.3

Calculate the work done in lifting 200 kg of water through a vertical height of 6 metres (Assume g = 10 m/s?).


Given: m=200kg h=6m, g=10m/s w=?


W = 200kg x 10m /s x 6m


7.2 power

Definition: Power is the rate at which work is done or the rate at which energy is transferred from one place to another.

Mathematically, it can be denoted as follows;

p=power        w=work      be time

Unit of power

The SI unit of power is Watt in honor of the Scottish mechanical engineer, James Watt, Watt is most famous for inventing an improved steam engine.

W= j/s

Other units of power are

Kilowatt (Kw) =1000W        Megawatt (Mw) =106w    Horsepower (Hp) =746W=750W

Example 7.4

An elevator with an operator weighs 5000 N. If it is raised to a height of 15.0 min 100s, how much power is developed?



F = 5000 N        s = 15.0m    t = 10.0 s      P = ?

W =FxS =5000N x15.0m =75000 J

P =W/t = 75000J/10s = 7500w

Example 7.5

The power expended in lifting an 825N girder to the top of a building 100 m high is

10.0 hp. How much time is required to raise the girder?


Given: F = 825 N     d = 10m      P = 10.0 hp

w = Fxd

W =825x10m =8250J

P=10hp =10x7461 =7460

P = w/t

T=w/p =82501/7460w = 1.11 seconds

Example 7.6

The mass of a large steel wrecking ball is 2000 kg. What power is used to raise it to

height of 40.0 m if the work is done in 20.0 s? (g=9.8m/s?)



m = 2000 kg d = 40.0m t= 20.0 s g=9.8m/s?) P=?

W =mgh =2000kg x40m x9.8m /s2=784000J

P=W /1=784000/ 20s =39, 200W =39.2Kw

7.3 Energy

Definition: Energy is the ability to do work.

Energy transfer is needed to enable people, computers, machines and other devices to work and to enable processes and changes to occur.

Scientists have learned how to change energy from one form into another to make our lives more comfortable.

7.3.1 Forms (Types) of energy

a) Chemical Energy

Food and fuels like oil, gas, coal and wood, are concentrated stores of chemical energy.

b. Electrical energy

Electrical energy is produced by energy transfers at power stations and in batteries

c. Mechanical energy

Mechanical energy is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy that is the energy associated with the motion & position of an object.

There are different forms of energy. All forms of energy are grouped into two main categories.

a) Kinetic energy. That's energy of motion.

b) Potential energy. That's energy stored in an object due to its position.

1. Potential Energy

It is the energy stored in an object and is measured by the amount of work done.

Examples of potential energy

a) Stretched rubber band

b) A raised weight

c) A river water at the top of water fall

"d) The stretched bow

Mathematically, it denoted as follows:

Potential energy =mgh    

M=mass of the object in kg       h= height in meters ,      g acceleration due to the gravity

Example 7.7

A body of mass 4kg is lifted from the ground and placed at table 5m high from the ground. Calculate the potential energy stored in the body? (Useg=10m/s).


M= 4kg; h =5; mg=10m/s'; P.E=?   

P.E = mgh

P.E =4kg x10m /s2x5m

P.E = 200J

      Elastic potential Energy

Another common potential energy is elastic potential energy, sometimes called strain.

The amount of elastic potential energy stored in the spring depends on

a) The force applied

b) The a distance moved

. Elastic Potential energy=1/2FX

F= force in N

X= extension of spring in m

Therefore the elastic potential energy can be obtained as follow:

EPE = 1/2 kx2     where k is spring constant


Example 7.8

A force of 100N causes a spring to extend by 40cm. Calculate the energy stored in the spring?


Given: F=100N      x= 0.4m       EPE = ?

EPE= 1/2x100Nx0.4=  20j

2- Kinetic Energy

Any moving body has kinetic energy (K.E.) and the faster it moves, the more K.E. it has

So that the energy in motion is known as kinetic energy.

Equation of kinetic energy

K.E= 1/2mv2

Example 7.8

A bullet of mass 12g travels at 415m/s. find k.E.



M=12g = 0.012kg       v= 415m/s   K.E=?

K.E= 1/2mv2

       = 1/2x0.012x(415)2

7.3.2 Sources of Energy

i) Heat energy: Used for cooking food, warming up, etc.

in) Energy from fuels: Used for running cars, buses, etc.

lil) Electric energy: Used for lighting bulbs and tubes, and to run radio, television and household appliances.


A source of energy is one which can provide adequate amount of energy in a convenient form over a long period of time.

Types of energy sources

All sources of energy can be categorized into two main parts:

a) Non-renewable sources of energy and

b) Renewable sources of energy.